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  • Uganda at 60 Embassy of Uganda in Burundi
    Countdown to the 60th Independence Day Celebrations

    The Embassy of Uganda in Burundi, working closely with the Association of Ugandans Living in Burundi, is in the final stages of organizing the 60th Independence celebrations slated to take place at the lush grounds of the Embassy of Uganda Chancery, in Bujumbura. 


    The event is scheduled to begin on Sunday 9th October 2022 from 3pm (Central Africa Time) up to 8pm. Ambassador Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Matayo Kyaligonza, the Ugandan Ambassador to Burundi, will be the chief Host of the celebrations.

  • Close of exhibition at the 2nd EA Tourism Expo
    Close of exhibitions at the 2nd East Africa Tourism Expo

    Exhibitions at the 2nd East African Tourism Expo in Bujumbura closed. The East Africa Partner states have been urged to brand and position as a premier event. This is in order to improve visibility of the region as a single tourist destination.

    Other recommendations include

  • Ambassador Kyaligonza at the Uganda Embassy stand at EA tourism expo Bujumbura
    East African Regional Tourism Exhibition Commences in Bujumbura

    The Embassy of Uganda in Bujumbura, in collaboration with tourism stakeholders from Uganda joined other exhibitors from the East African Community to participate in the second edition of East African Regional tourism exhibition.

    The event, hosted by the Government of Burundi commenced on 24th Septemper 2022 and ends on the 29th September 2022. It was officially opened by the Vice President of the Republic of Burundi H.E Prosper Bazombaza.

  • Uganda Embassy stand at EA tourism expo Bujumbura
    East African Regional Tourism Exhibition about to begin

    The 2nd East African Regional Tourism Exhibition happening now in Bujumbura.

    The Uganda Embassy Bujumbura in conjunction with stake holders in the tourism industry from Uganda will be participating in the event with the opening ceremony in a few hours from now.

    Other Participants from the EAC region are taking part as well.


    Uganda Embassy Bujumbura
