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Visa-exempt Countries

The list of visa-exempt countries has been updated and is summarized as below:

  • Exemption for all types of passports (37 countries including DRC);
  • Exemptions for Diplomatic and Service Passports (10 countries)

As at 28th February 2025, the following are the countries whose citizens are allowed to travel to Uganda without a visa.

  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2. Bahamas
  3. Barbados
  4. Belize
  5. Botswana
  6. Burundi
  7. Comoros
  8. Cyprus
  9. Democratic Republic of Congo
  10. Eritrea
  11. Fiji
  12. Gambia
  13. Ghana
  14. Grenada
  15. Hong Kong
  16. Ireland
  17. Jamaica
  18. Kenya
  19. Lesotho
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malawi
  22. Malaysia
  23. Malta
  24. Mauritius
  25. Mozambique
  26. Rwanda
  27. Seychelles
  28. Sierra Leone
  29. Singapore
  30. Solomon Islands
  31. South Sudan
  32. St. Vincent & Grenada
  33. Swaziland
  34. Tonga
  35. Trinidad and Tobago
  36. United Republic of Tanzania
  37. Vanuatu
  38. Zambia
  39. Zimbabwe


NB The visa exemption also applies where the citizens from the countries listed above hold valid conventional travel documents (CTD)* regardless of the issuing country.


The holders of Diplomatic and Official/Service passports from the following countries are also exempted from visa requirements and can travel to Uganda without a visa.

  1. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam 
  2. The Republic of Sierra Leone 
  3. The Republic of the Democratic Republic of Algeria
  4. The Republic of South Africa
  5. The Republic of Cuba
  6. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  7. The Republic of India
  8. The Republic of Senegal
  9. The Islamic Republic of Iran
  10. The Russian Federation
  11. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  12. The Republic of Türkiye


 * Note:

A Convention Travel Document (CTD) is issued to refugees who are registered in accordance with the UN Convention on Refugees and is issued by the respective countries where the individual is a refugee. It does not 'remove" one's Nationality; in other words, the nationality of the holder does not cease upon acquisition of a CTD. The holder's Nationality is usually clearly indicated in the CTD. This serves to inform all stakeholders that visa exemption is on the Nationality and not the Travel Document one holds. This implies that all CTD holders from Visa exempt countries do not require pre-approved visas or authorisations.


Holders of laissez-passers issued by international organizations recognized by Uganda or to which Uganda is a member are as below:

1.    United Nations Organization Laissez-Passers whilst on official UN Business.
2.    African Union Laissez-Passers whilst on official A.U. business.
3.    African Development Bank Laissez-Passers, whilst on official A.D.B. business.
4.    COMESA Laissez-Passers, whilst on official COMESA business.
5.    International Monetary Fund and World Bank Laissez – Passers whilst on official IMF/World Bank Business.
6.    Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Laissez Passers whilst on official IGAD business.
7.    African Airlines Travel Association (IATA) Laissez- Passers whilst on official business.
8.    Environment Liaison Centre International (ELCI) Laissez-Passers whilst on official ELCI business.
9.    International Labour Organization (ILO) Laissez – Passers whilst on official ILO business.
10.    Preferential Trade Area/Common Market of East & Southern African Bank Laissez – Passers whilst on official PTA/COMESA business.
11.    European Union Laissez – Passers whilst on official European Union business.
12.    International Potato Centre (CIP) Laissez – Passers whilst on official CIP business.
13.    African Reinsurance Corporation (ARC) Laissez – Passers whilst on official ARC business.
14.    African Housing Fund (AHF) Laissez – Passers whilst on official AHF business.
15.    Serving Members of the British Military (are exempted from visa formalities).
