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9th MedTech Hackathon

Uganda Embassy participates in the 9th MedTech Hackathon at Mbarara University

The 9th MedTech Hackathon commenced with a Clinical Summit taking place at Silverback Hotel in Mbarara on the first day.

The theme of this hackathon was: Leveraging Innovation to Achieve Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare. Different groups presenting their resolutions for the different case studies used.

Finally, Miss. Annet Kembabazi Senior Programs manager at MGH-MUST Global Health Collaborative in Uganda,  gave the last speech that closed the summit. She expressed her gratitude for the fruits of Camtech Uganda ever since it's inception in 2013. 

The hackathon itself begins Saturday 29th October 2023. This year, Camtech Uganda shall have 4 focus areas in line with the theme and these are:

  1. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
  2. Emerging and Re-emerging Pandemics
  3. oad Traffic Accidents 
  4. Mental health

In participation was Ngozi University of Burundi led by the Rector Rev. Fr. Banganyimbaga, and the Embassy of Uganda was represented by Mr. Wafula James Bichachi, Counselor at the Embassy.
